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Is Uber? Doordash? IBM?
why not? people pay for $800 a night AirBnB. $100 Uber, $40 doordash to deliver a soggy sandwich. what's $20 for unlimited streaming of movies & shows?
UBER is killing me right now.
What isn't trash these days? Quality has gone downhill in every clothing brand; even uber expensive lulu is charging gobs of money for middling quality. There is no point in paying more for the brand when they all come from the same factory. It's like TVs and other small electronics.
Waymo has had robotaxis for years in CA. Slowly expanding. Not publicized much. Uber and Lyft have active robotaxis in one city through a third party. GM has a program also (acquired Cruise) but it’s had significant setbacks. Tesla is trying to do it with dramatically cheaper sensor arrays, which doesn’t seem to be possible as far as we know right now — so behind.
Uber eats jacks up the price on everything too. It's even cheaper in person! Health as an option always goes out the window when dining out. These places are delicious because a single serving is my full days worth of sodium, fat, and likely carbs. Throw sugar in there if you have a soda. Fast dining is strictly for I'm feeling lazy, I'm starving, and the fridge at home is empty. It's good but man I feel it for a day or two afterwards.
As a Canadian if I buy a big mac meal on uber eats I'm paying like $22 I think (no tip). Probably like $18 for a bowl from chipotle. I'd fact check myself but I deleted uber eats. Make it make sense. I used to shit on chipotle for being overpriced and now its legit the better option (and healthier, though still unhealthy)
Those are all Uber drivers taking people to their third jobs
OP seems to forget when people are out of jobs, some of the easiest last place for work is transportation. Uber, uber eats, door dash etc. The last thing to go is jobs and this "traffic" you speak of. You'll be surprised how long I can last with no job opening credit card after credit card. I mean US is doing well, 34T worth of credit debt. People keep loaning too lol.
Have you heard of Uber or taxi cabs
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