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> Now I will call fidelity to remove options from my account and will buy stocks NVDA, AVGO and AMD is the plan. Be careful not to burn your hands, Mr. /r/personalfinance. Better stick to MSCI World and a healthy bond allocation.
Don’t forget, AMZN announced Friday that they are trying to work on their own chips to distance themselves from NVDA.
What’s your position on NVDA?
Thank you. I will be playing safe from here. Plan to sell secured puts on tesla, NVDA, AMD and AVGO to climb backup slowly is the plan.
You just got in now? Where were you when Nvda was around $200 pre split?
Yup. I had avoided NVDA throughout most of this but started after it floated around 120. Made like 10k then lost 7k off it. I feel good about q3 earnings, but I’m sticking to QQQ.
Please dont go into NVDA it's clearly overvalued (the risk/reward ratio is crazy). Even if they get to be the biggest xompany in the world it's not like they will 10x (o even 2x)
Going to 595 again if your plan is only NVDA, AMD and AVGO lol
2 weeks ago I did NVDA calls and turned $200 into $570 so not a bad idea (I lost it the next day)
First, lol at the Robinhood message “congrats on getting NVDA now give us more money” Second, I noticed you have it on all time. But what’s the start date fellow regard? NVDA is quality IMO, the other stocks I can’t speak to necessarily. DM me if you wanna jam
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