mmph Delta lookin thicc
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I wouldn't do either rn
Where do I go to see projections like this.
if you visit china or just asia broadly, you'll see there's a lot of stuff they do better and you will be impressed.
What a bunch of cucks! Ha! Keep crying on reddit and doing what social media tells you to do! BLM? Can I have a flag please?? Here you go. And you post it. Can I have a trans flag please?? Here you go. And you post it. Can I have a Ukraine flag please?? How about an Isreali flag?? And, just like lambs, you follow.
Yes ... whatever you decide to trade, do the opposite and it should be fine.
Ok fr tho, what do we think spy will be at 20 minutes after market open?
If the market wants to sell, believe me they will sell. They do not care about your theories. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
3% hydrogen peroxide in a spritzer bottle and do six pumps six times a day until it goes away. If it's a deep cough in your lungs try mullen leaf tea and some big white onions on your chest under your shirt while you sleep.
Do you work for Xi?
Im not sure where you got 500%. Im positive you didnt watch the video you linked. He paid 53% effective rate on 21 billion in options he exercised. Do you not pay taxes or do you just not make a whole lot therefor 53% sounds like alot?
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