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Where do you think his $500k came from? Money doesn't get created out of thin air (unless you're the JPow, of couse).
Sir, do you have an online coaching program, Telegram group?
I lost a lot of money from 2020-2023 and now I’m up 300% in 2024. Consistently making money no matter what the market decides to do. Though I never took out loans and got into debt….. you could still take the time to figure things out if you dedicate yourself to it
Correct, he’s attempting a soft landing. Will he actually get that? Maybe, do you want to sit on the sidelines with cash for the next 2 year bull market and take that chance?
The real win is helping others to do the same, not just showing off your wins..
“A grown man should not seek permission” are you seriously implying this is a positive trait? It’s an absurd and disgusting thing to say, massive incel energy. It doesn’t make you a “simp” to value and respect women’s opinions, quite the opposite actually. My guess is you don’t do so well with the ladies.
You definitely will have a gambling addiction after that, I hope you realize if you keep going it will go to zero. You won the lotto a couple times here. Many people in your situation will think "easy money" and "I know what I'm doing" so they keep going and lose it all. I know a guy who did this, started from 70k and hit 4M, but now he has zero. What you should do is take that 500k and live a nice easy comfortable life. You'll never have to work hard a day in your life anymore. You made it regard.
I see the correlation of the play and the good possible scenario - problem is volume. I did plays with stocks that have very low volume such as Skechers, Columbia Banking System and I kinda regret it. Not sure if they would pull a similar move than cour - if I would do the play I would do it small and in the closest strike to the money.
Do us all a favor and don’t screw this up. Nicely done, I’m happy for you.
Why do people keep repeating this? It can indicate that but it doesn’t always mean that. It confuses causes and effects. Rates went up to bring down inflation. Inflation came down. So rates come down. Lowering rates can be a type of stimulus to avoid recession, yes. And usually raising rates for so long does start a recession. But matters is where rates were before they were raised and where they land after being lowered. If rates were already low and THEN they were lowered then that is far more indicative of a fucked economy. So if rates get lowered all the way back to 0% then yeah the economy might be fucked. But the Fed hasn’t signaled that. They’ll likely leave them in low single digits which is not an indicator of a weak economy. It just means the goal of inflation reduction has been accomplished so we’re returning to normalcy. I think that’s why he’s been so careful with his language. He knows a lot of people will say “lowering rates = economy fucked!” despite that not being true and despite that confusing causes and effects. He’s trying to thread a needle here in how he communicates their measures. It’s quite remarkable that we’ve had rates high for so long and still aren’t in a recession. I do have to hand it to him. If he can stick the landing here - bringing down inflation without starting a recession - it would be quite the feat. Like the economic equivalent of landing that plane on the Hudson. Fingers crossed!
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