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So we could hold lead just like Doc Rivers teams no matter the economic data great or bad?
Oh man. You missed a lot. You talked about sales, but they did 40 million in sales last week. That was with 1000 treatments. They have another 19,000 already produced. Dr. Soon-Shiang the CEO has built two other companies before. Both sold in the $30 billion dollar range. He has already said that this is his biggest company. Current market cap is something like 4 billion. He's expecting a Target price of $50 a share in the very immediate future. They're going to need a lot of media coverage in order to achieve that. But Doc-CEO also owns the LA Times. There's also a couple other catalysts happening this weekend besides the fireside chat.
So many words entered in the doc file but with no meaning... To say that the worst Part is that the ceo has changed directly disqualify your DD. The Former ceo is very well known to bring Company into IPO and then move on. Thats it. The New CEO is way more technical driven which snowflake needs. He also has a great CV (google). Give it time. Valuation doesnt mean a shit. Market is not rational. Its emotional driven. If wallstreet will see the success of SNOW then it will, and it will Based on the comments of analyst, warren Buffet etc. They dont give a shit about anything.
I have no stake in the game but wanted to critique your product critique in your google doc. I think the product could be overvalued because there are many players and cloud-native offerings from AWS, Azure, etc.. But either way, I don't think there are any factors in your analysis that should suggest dips in the near future. 1. Product sales stuff. Nothing new. 2. Useful to know if you admin over Snowflake. Users would care less. 3. I don't take away much from Snowpark except that Snowflake's Python and Java libraries are from Snowpark. 4. It's not hard to load data if you google examples online. Snowflake's python connector library has an auto create table based on your Pandas dataframe too, so very low effort. If you can't do this then you're not a data engineer. 5. Some of these are niche use-cases but some aren't exclusive to snowflake like Materialized Views. 6. Jupyter notebook integrated into Snowflake is not a good selling point. You can write your python scripts outside like a normal data engineer would. 7. Not watching vid. 8. Unsure what this has to do with anything. 9. It's not difficult to unpack json in Snowflake via SQL. 10. Haven't used them either. 11. Ok. 12. I don't see the problem here. 13. I don't see the usefulness here so I'm with you. 14. ? lost on your train of thought here. 15. It's not bad but more of an admin thing than anything. 16.I'm not seeing what you're seeing here. You can query a database and all and get data back without issues. You don't need to know how to program to do that. 17. Didnt listen cant comment. 18. SaaS cloud offerings are nuanced about this stuff. This isn't new. 19. I don't see any issue with it. They had to throw a number out there somehow. Take it with a grain of salt. 20. Same price? 0.023 gb x 1000 = 23. 21. Lol at the pic thats pretty g
idk, but $djt just dropped the dilution hammer. https://www.sec.gov/ix?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/1849635/000114036124019745/ny20026576x1_s1.htm
That's funny, cause I was thinking about getting the flip for its size. The zfold is pretty long and sometimes akward to carry, but I like to have the big screen to work on. Some of the apps don't format well. Like insta, sometimes doesn't like the big screen and will stretch awkwardly or stick to one side, leaving the other black. Ultimately, I'd say the Zfold is worth it because it works really well for what I need it to (trading, Word doc, etc.) and idc about social media that much, lol. How do you like the flip?
We get it, you watched a YouTube doc
you watch the Big Short when you want to get hyped. I watch the Bernie Madoff doc when i want to get hyped. we aren't the same
Will Doc Rivers get another year?
Doc I'm depressed 2024: Take these pills, they'll make you fat and your dick stop working. That'll be $5000 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4259) 1824: Here's some cocaine, and if you have trouble sleeping here's some opium. That'll be a nickel ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)
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