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Terra Income Fund 6 Inc - 7% NT REDEEM 31/03/2026 USD 25

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About Terra Income Fund 6 Inc - 7% NT REDEEM 31/03/2026 USD 25

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TFSA. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
Only because I put 20k into my TFSA at the peak :\^)
Wow in the TFSA and everything too! You are absolutely one of us
Put all of that 2.30$ CAD in bitcoin. Seriously though, open a Wealthsimple Cash account, you'll get 4% interest on the money in it, and 1% cash back on bill payments or purchases. You can set that 1% to automatically go to your TFSA. It'll slowly build up while you're paying bills you need to pay anyways. Then put it in XEQT or QQC or VFW or whatever while you build it back up. And leave most of your money in those if you do find yourself unable to resist options. Like be smart with 75% of it.
I lucked out that my first options play (ugh, TSM) was a 100% loss. If it had been a win I probably would have lost way more than 1000$ USD. And I felt stupid for losing it in a TFSA. I have thankfully made it up but am sticking to stocks mostly. I did do an options play when the DJT stock ticker changed but that wasn't a huge gamble so the gains were modest. My biggest risk now is that I'm so heavy into semiconductor stocks and tech. But I'm forcing myself to be more boring and putting half in XEQT (zzzzzzzzz)
IF you make it, you know you also can’t do loss harvesting on tfsa, when the contribution room is gone, it’s gone. Better to keep just the index fund or dividend stocks in there, that’s what I do, over the next 30 years it’ll grow. But honestly it’s only a couple k contribution room every year anyways, not a big deal, do whatever makes you happy
I do all my short-term and sketchy shit in TFSA. You don't have to file taxes on every little transaction you do, and on the odd chance you hit it big, it is entirely untaxable. Turn your 8K contribution into 500k. You can withdraw it tax-free. Edit: Keep in mind that if you trade too frequently in your TFSA you can get dinged by the CRA for day-trading or using it as a self-employed investor type meme. Just because all my short-term and sketchy stuff is in my TFSA doesn't mean my whole TFSA is short-term or sketchy.
Lol no way you did that in TFSA you regard
Hi fellow Canadian We meet again with loss porn inside a TFSA
0DTE calls on a red day with 1 hr before expiry inside a TFSA Our brother in Christ definitely belongs here
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