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It’s a feedback loop of lowering the quality of food, then having customers demanding sauce packets, resulting in lost profits for customers demanding sauce.
I hope they buy some of those humanoid robots as well, so that the ai can walk around and fix crowdstrikes next BSOD loop.
Yep, and crowdstrike was a bit more on top of this issue than I think people are giving them credit for. Had a solution to my locked machine within minutes of it being locked. mind you I was late to the boot loop as I had already had several coworkers who had been offline for an hour by the time mine decided to take a shit, but still. They had documentation online fairly quickly for remediation. They also had quarantine routines in place so if boot looping systems could get online for a short period, it fixed itself. Aside from a perfect world where this didn't happen at all, I don't know what more people are expecting from crowdstrike at this point.
I had a dream it will skyrocket in December, but also in the dame dream the graph went in a loop de loop so take from that what you will.
I know this wasn’t meant for me, but this hit home cause I needed this to break a thought loop. Thank you
we can agree to disagree. Bitcoin's value is not from speculation, though speculation helps the price appreciates in a positive feedback loop. I can't help you understand it, though many already did why Bitcoin provides tremendous value. Like in the inception movie, it has to come from inside.
every industry also go addicted to loading up as much work as possible on the salary positions because "free" labor, but that only led to those managers needing bigger budgets to pass on that work to their direct reports causing a positive feedback loop of bigger budgets to accomodate bigger departments. "The industry is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding industry"
I’m out of the loop on the whole debacle. But how can so much damage be caused by Crowdstrike?
It actually is. This is the biggest IT outage in the history of technology, exposing the biggest loop holes on cybersecurity…should I mention all of the cyberattacks and breaches over the weekend? Or how about competitors and insiders stocking up on their own shares? The biggest fail exceeding ClownStrikes market cap, and millions of people are still stuck at airports all over the world. Watch how fast Rome falls if you don’t remember reading about it in history class.
Im a Software Engineer and i just don’t know how what they did could be considered anything but gross negligence. Slow rollouts, UATs, and error handling are just basic things that would have prevented this issue. In small niche systems its not uncommon to have all three of these working together, the fact that CrowdStrike had none is shocking and speaks to some deep ineptitude in their tech team. Imo though Microsoft shares some of the blame as well. Even though kernel level code should be trusted the windows OS shouldn’t just enter a BSOD loop because some of it failed, at least go into safe mode on fail #3 or so. I could see them trying to kind of brush this whole thing under the rug so that their enterprise clients don’t realize they have been duped into using a shitty OS.
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