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so autonomous cars finally will be a thing after 10 years of "next year"?![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
He's gonna be working 120 hours a week grinding away at his own cars.
Elon has screwed them in the European market though. You wont believe how strong the dislike for him and his cars is here now. Cybertruck ofc never could get approved in Europe, and they have no new attractive model lined up for Europe. He can't compete in the budget market in Europe, because Europeans buy chinese cheap and european expensive now. He lost the niche he grew up on.
Sirius is a dying dinosaur lmao. My last two brand new cars had Sirius and they emailed nonstop trying to get me to sub past the trial. Who the fuck wants radio when I have Spotify?
I'm curious as to how Tesla is going to take over China without selling any cars and the existence of BYD.
congrats you smoked a guy by a few tenths getting up to 75 from the on ramp and then shut it down bc cops lol, nice cars>fast cars any day
Yes in 1943, when we didn’t even have color television. Tons of innovation has occurred over the last 80 years. Will it continue at this rate? It’s already slowing down with phones, televisions, cars, etc. Think of blackberry to iPhone 6. Now compare that to IPhone 6 to the current IPhone. Just one example. Society has to keep adding value to everyday life for stocks, wages, etc to increase in price/value.
If people weren't getting approved for rahtarded car loans with 40% interest rates and they had to pay cash then the prices of cars would drop substantially. But lol at the dummies who sign up for those loans
Good, hopefully a good automobile correction is coming. Fuck this noise about 50k cars that were 30k 5 years ago.
Ah, my plans for tomorrow? Just the usual. You see, I picked up some MSFT stock back when it was lounging around the $200 mark. Fast forward a bit, and boom—I cashed out last week. Oh, and just for kicks, I threw some of that windfall at my mortgage, wiping it out a cool decade early. Credit card debt? What's that? Oh, and the cherry on top: both my cars are paid off. And yes, I'm riding solo. So now, I'm just going to kick back, relax, and enjoy the show as you "geniuses" scramble to keep up.
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