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What additional testing would you have liked to see prior to the rollout of the mRNA vaccines? Because it already went through all the trials normally required by the FDA. And at this point, most major ones have been fully approved with no real evidence showing them to be harmful.
Are we just lying now? There is extensive, well documented evidence showing a reduction of death rates between mRNA vaccinated and unvaccinated groups. This directly translates to the vaccines lowering the likelihood of death. Studies aside, how do you possibly explain data like [this](, if not through the vaccines conferring protection against Covid?
The flu every year is actually a new strain of flu, it's not the same one every year. That means every year people get a new shot that doesn't have 2-3 years of long-term reliability testing. People are fine with that. Why? Because there wasn't a huge conspiracy network about "big pharma" wanting to inject you with microchips. This specific vaccine was a traditional one, it wasn't so-called a "rushed, new type" Also, the "rushed, new type" of mRNA were actually around for a long time. The reason you see so many mRNA vaccines today is because that research has been done over the last 20 years and it's easy to adjust mRNA vaccines.
Right, which was in reference to the article that you didn't read. The vaccine being canceled isn't even the MRNA vaccine that everyone was skeptical about.
No they weren't, classic conservative vitim mentality. Pathetic. As a medical student the United States only ever really adopted the mRNA vaccines.
Bro a plane crashed this morning in Turkey. It may not matter to you, or to the other 100 million people flying today, but those people matter too. I fly regularly, for the record. I wouldn't have flown with the Wright Brothers on their maiden flight though I don't need a valid reason to refuse a medical procedure, this isn't supposed to be a Nazi camp. It was the maiden voyage of mRNA, and I'm glad I stayed on the ground
mRNA has been around for 50 years to, they've just never used produce any mRNA vaccines because they never worked
Every Right Wing Nut is screaming about mRNA vaccines causing blood clots and killing millions...soo yeah, you're a right wing nut if you believe that shit.
I'm on Facebook too much for my own good and idiots/trolls there are going to make absolutely ZERO effort to distinguish this vaccine type from mRNA vaccines. They'll lump it all under the jab/clot shot
The biggest rct actually showed that the mRNA vaccines only reduced symptoms, they did not stop transmission, nor even lower the likelihood of death. Funny enough the adenovirus vaccines (J&J, Astra, Sputnik, etc), ACTUALLY DID show a reduction in all-cause mortality, and this is an ALREADY KNOWN but not quite explainable (biology is complex), wherein some vaccines have shown knock-on protective effects across all sorts of public health outcomes completely unrelated to the initial medical intervention.
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