Your morning dashboard: PLUG is buzzing

Morning buzz on wallstreetbets today

Published on Apr 20, 2021

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TopStonks Team

Your morning dashboard: PLUG is buzzing

S&P Futures are down 0.43%  today, Nasdaq is down 0.38%, Dax is down 0.99% and the Px1 is down 1.50% Oil is up 0.27%, Dollar Index id down .04%, etc.

In the news,Gov. Hogan: State moving thousands of workers to downtown Baltimore office spaces - Baltimore Sun

On Wallstreetbets,  PLUG, NIO, TSM, GME, PLTR  are dominating the conversation over the last 24 hours. 


“Lmfao I wonder if anyone held plug through the whole 60% crash”

“So I said I would light my arm and foot on fire if nio got to 50 by Thursday. At the rate it’s going it’ll only be at 40 by then”

“TSM has been the hardest hit out of all the semiconductors. Can’t catch a break lol”

“This is the most bullish I’ve been since the GME squeeze, Shorts got greedy and are exposed. I think the whole world knows to do the opposite of what Cramer says to do lol. You know what that means, PREPARE FOR BATTLE WSB!💎🙌🚀🌚”

“I agree with you. I’m short term bearish but long term bullish. I’m comfortable holding for 10-15 years unless a better opportunity springs along. I don’t mind it falling down because I’m trying to load up on shares to sell OTM CC for extra income. There’s no way the company will go tits up, there’s just no way when it’s backed by the government and the CEO is a real chad for focusing on the long term and DPOing to help retail investors. Big Data is the next oil and pltr is the cheapest stock Ik that can capitalize on that the most.”

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