FB buzz is on a tear over the last 24 hours - here’s what you need to know

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Published on Apr 28, 2021

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TopStonks Team

FB buzz is on a tear over the last 24 hours - here’s what you need to know

FB buzz is up 153.24%  over the last 24 hours compared to the last 7 days. The 52 week high is $315.88 and the 52 week low is $190.00 There have been 1 total options bets on the stock, with 1 being bullish. 

FB was in the news today:

On r/wallstreetbets, u/paleridermoab wrote:

“We need some blow out earns in the next 3 days. That will move this market AMZN,AAPL,FB come on stonks. We need volume”

u/EmptyGatoradeBottle wrote:

“Everyone and their dog knew FB would crush it. Their stock gets held down by the media pushing 24/7 BS about regulations being put on them which never happen.”

u/PoRabbit wrote:

“People need to realize AAPL is up as much as google is and almost as much as FB, post earnings price. They are doing pretty damn good right now. Not percent wise, but market cap wise.”

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