Your Morning Dashboard: PLTR is Buzzing

Morning buzz on wallstreetbets

Published on Apr 15, 2021

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TopStonks Team

S&P Futures are up 0.56% today, Nasdaq is up 0.83%, FTSE 100 is up 0.48%, DAX is up 0.21%, Oil is down 0.21% Dollar Index is down 0.05%, etc.

In the news, 

On Wallstreetbets, GME, PLTR, TSLA, SPY, and AAPL are dominating the conversation over the last 24 hours. 


I mainly play TSLA calls to feel alive but they mostly cause me death


Guys, what’s your COIN price prediction for day 2? I am guessing 380 to 400


If PLTR closes above 25 tomorrow I'll sign up for a Qigong class and twerk the instructor


Yeah fucking PLTR. 1 Green Day a week and the rest are red days. Tired of doing this dance


Imagine a 7% AAPL day


I don't hate GME. I hate GME investors. They ruined this sub for like 4 fucking months straight. They are like little obnoxious bots saying "hedgies" and shit, patting themselves on the back for taking on the 1% by buying 2 shares, then downvoting and reporting everything. Fuck em.


Or you FOMO'd into an insane position ignoring any sort of risk management?  You did this to yourself because you wanted the next GME.  Stop blaming unseen and unknown forces, you'll never learn that way.


I also quit smoking cigarettes so I could buy more GME

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