Your Morning Dashboard: JNJ is Buzzing

Morning buzz on wallstreetbets

Published on Apr 14, 2021

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TopStonks Team

S&P Futures are up .06% today, Nasdaq is up 0.26%, Euro/USD is up .02 , Oil is up 1.56%, Dollar Index is down .06% , etc.

In the news,  - 

On Wallstreetbets, GME, PLTR, TSLA, JNJ, and APHA are dominating the conversation over the last 24 hours. 


  • Oh good, it’s another week with triangle diagrams saying that it’s going to be really soon!!!!!! for like the 10th week in a row. Can we just admit at this point we have no clue and stop getting apes hopes up and just hold till it’s higher? It’s like forecasting the weather by looking at speeding tickets issued instead of just looking out the window. Also “insanely volatile stock that loves good news?” Are you watching the same GME I am? It keeps taking a dump on good news, bad news, Dow up, Dow down, when Kramer gets a cough, any time anyone mentions it on TV…

  • PLTR demo event tomorrow showcasing commercial clients... hopefully analysts wake up to the notion the PLTR is more than a gov contract reliant business My guess is that they will begin to over time, and PLTR will fly as they try to price that in

  • Stock market is forward looking OP. I haven’t done the due diligence because I trade and don’t buy and hold so fundamentals don’t matter to me at all, but if the majority of the vehicles produced in 2030 are electric and TSLA currently dominates the EV industry in both market share and battery technology then I’m thinking they will catch up to their valuation, which is what the market looks for in a growth company.

  • I wanna say f*** JNJ but they've already sold all these vaccines and it's virtually impossible to link the shot to clotting definitively in a way that would damage them when covid often causes clotting anyway.

  • I don’t understand why people want TLRY. Please look into and understand why APHA will be the better investment when the merge hits. For short APHA share holders will come out with more shares once the merge executes!

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