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If you invested all your money on the top stock on the fortune 500 in 1989, you would be broke now (but not really because of dividends up until delisting). If you split it evenly among the top 5 in 1989, slipped into a coma, then checked your portfolio for the first time today, you'd be thrilled (apart from asking wtf happened to GM).
I worked hard to make 30% ytd, lost 5% my port this week due to gm e ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)
I don't know who you heard that from, but they aren't expensive to maintain. They're just Chevy/GM SK cars with slightly more upscale interiors and different body panels. I would imagine FIAT/Jeep are the worst cars on the road maintenance wise.
Similar to what Warren Buffet said he made or lost money holding GM stock for 10 plus years.
SEC is all up in this sub you guys. If you don't think they won't snitch to your local police or even the GM of your local Chipotle, then you are a fool. Delete this.
Yes, because Cisco, Intel, ford, GM are doing so well over the last 40 years
Buick will probably die because of this. GM will be a company that sells pickup trucks to US consumers, sells Tahoes to police and government agencies, and maybe the occasional Chevy or Cadillac CUV to individuals/fleets. The tariffs will slow but not stop the decline of the Big 3 and its no surprise China will retaliate.
Tell me *you* didn't read the court verdict striking the package down without saying it. You're reciting one of the many arguments put forward by the lawyers acting for the litigant, not the actual judgment. Ultimately the judge slapped it down because the board couldn't prove he wouldn't have accepted less, not least because he was already incentivized by being the biggest shareholder. The EBITDA and revenue targets were aggressive but deemed achievable. It's the market cap targets that were crazy. To quote the judge: >To put Musk’s proposal in perspective, each market capitalization milestone increase of $50 billion required Tesla to grow in size roughly equal to the market capitalizations of each of Tesla, Ford, and GM as of early 2018. So, Tesla would have to grow an amount in market capitalization equal to that of the most significant domestic car manufacturers for Musk to earn a single tranche of compensation. To quote Brad Buss: >those market cap goals were totally insane. I mean, you literally had to create a Ford, GM, or FedEx every ten months. Every ten months. And maintain it, right? So, okay, wow, that’s pretty nuts If you thought this was easy then no doubt you put all your life savings into Tesla in 2018 and are now retired? You'd have been in the minority, since Tesla was the most shorted stock on the market back in 2017. [Forbes](https://www.forbes.com/sites/chuckjones/2018/01/23/elon-musks-new-performance-award-plan-looks-like-a-winner-for-tesla-shareholders/?sh=7a7ceb6dad47) certainly thought it was a good deal for shareholders. Aon (who valued the option at the time) analyzed only a 45% likelihood of the market cap doubling within the 10 year option period, never mind increasing twelvefold.
If we’re not allowed to talk about stocks under 1 Billion market cap here, why is there 1 stock we’re not allowed to talk about that’s over 1 Billion market cap here? Doesn’t make sense. Make it make sense. And don’t say “bagholders”…. Because my grandpa is still bag holding GM Q stocks since 2008, and we can talk about GM here…
Gm that cuck hasn’t been right. He’s a one hit wonder
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