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Guessing east coast? West coast ones aren’t very sharp ime
But the main drivers for inflation right now are housing and energy... and higher interest rates makes it more difficult to build housing which means less supply which drives prices and rent up... and energy is based on middle east and Russia shenanigans. Like.. just look at the graph. Housing makes up almost the entire increase. Increased supply is the most well backed and proven way to bring rent inflation down.
It looks like they transferred about [$500 million]( out of Israel over it’s judicial overhaul last year. I haven’t seen a direct connection to the IOF. Being an e-commerce security company, its work with them might be limited. But at this point, I don’t think I can invest in any Israeli company. One way or another they’d get funds from my purchase.
Invest in Vietnam or some other countries in South East Asia. China's manufacturing is going to move there
I suspect China will retaliate in-kind by dumping foreign goods in favor of domestic products. We've already seen the effects in tech (Apple, Tesla, Intel, etc) but there are still a lot of western companies in China. Middle East boycotts were able to send jitters in stocks like McD and SBUX. China can do way more damage since they control the information stream and have the means to turn a billion+ people against Western goods. Keep an eye on companies with high exposure to China.
Lmao so the last two presidents both have very sketchy pasts with underage women. Maybe they are controlled assets by a certain foreign intelligence agency in the middle east.  Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself.
Middle east tensions are generally a bull catalyst for ZIM because it leads to higher frieght rates.
Risky play with all the middle east tensions going strong these past few months... Glad it payed off! You, my sir.. Have balls of steel. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)
I found one in East St. Louis. It's a bit of a fixer upper:
Keith Gil and his revolutionaries have seized the east coast. Soon, comrade, the glorious revolution will be complete. You just must diamond hand a bit longer.
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