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ZS is random cloud security shit and is been down for awhile It’s my top pick for random trash to throw cash at
That's why kids these days don't know how bad shit can get. They are not living in great times or stable times but they are certainly not living in BAD times. The reason why is because all they've been conditioned by the 2016-2024 range that: 1. Life can change on a moment (so you got to live it NOW) 2. There is little to no stability be it peace/war, Fed rates, markets, high/low inflation, or not being able to go outside because of a global pandemic 3. Boomers will run your life (and likely when they die pass on the boomer torch to Moomers) 4. **MOST IMPORTANTLY:** Spoiled by the pandemic spending. PPP, EIDL, stimmy checks, lax unemployment, bonus unemployment, no evictions/repos/foreclosures, 0% Fed rates, all the other Fed shit QE BRRRRRR to buying MBS to artificially crash prices, free healthcare/schoollunches/housing/utilites/UBI/etcetcetcetc, second rounds of PPP and stimmy checks, etcetcetc. 5. Excellent job market due to massive spending, inflation, restricted immigration, years of repressed wages, and other factors. I'm not saying kids these days are soft. I'm just saying they've might have been spoiled this most recent recession/blackswan/downturn since the government was VERY accommodative. Like not biking with training wheels but a cradle with 4 training wheels. It's likely because of the backlash from the GFC but I suspect the next time around they very likely won't serve the whole fucking golden platter again because we see what happened with inflation and national debt afterwards. I fully expect to get the "Ok Moomer" treatment for saying this so hit me if you want. On the flipside, millennials got might have the reverse in the form of PTSD and over securing ourselves. WHEN we eventually get the next recession, it doesn't mean we have another GFC and we could be wrong to expect it. Not every downturn or recession has to be a "once in a century" huge 3yr tech bubble blow up like in 2000 (coupled with 911 and a war on terror), a "once in a century" catastrophic event like the GFC, or a "once in a century" global pandemic. TL;DR 2020 and pandemic accommodations have likely fucked up Zs into a false sense of security just like how 2000/2008/2020 might have fucked up Ys in a reverse way.
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