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If this drop is real watch for 0dte NFLX puts
Initially the headline had wrote "Worthy of a Pump", but couldn't include pump in the headline. So no, I'm not looking for an EPS beat like NFLX or CMG and then sell-off. I was wanting to see LMT or RTX which was recommended in the comments, needed faith restored there's big beats happening not just doozy's thanks.
Also NFLX, and JPM before that. All 3 of these stocks are trading in such narrow ranges after earnings that central banks of managed currencies would have been proud.
Also the "investors" in TSLA are all fucking paper handed bitches, FD buying bitches, or whinny bitches. >TSLA had a +3% on revenue but a **-16.5% MISS ON EPS**. 2023 Q3+Q4 AND 24 Q1 were ALL MISSES on TOP AND BOTTOM. Yet TSLA is up year to date. AND the stock only went down less than 10%. And here you have OP whining like the fucking bitch he is. Compare that to Alphabet which >Beat Q3+Q4 2023 PLUS Q1 in 24 ON BOTH TOP AND BOTTOM LINES. >PLUS THAT Q1 BEAT INCLUDED A MASSIVE +25% BEAT ON EPS >Ad revs strong, chatGPT backed the fuck off, Alphabet slipping down cutting down useless fat like tiktok making HR shitters, also cut the morality police within in the AI teams. >Massive growth and earnings in cloud. So much they could just throw $23B+ at WIZ. >Youtube costs less to produce yet makes more money than NFLX. Now ALSO won NBA/NFL/livestreaming rights. >Instated a fucking dividend for the first time >BEAT ON THE TOP AGAIN >BEAT ON THE BOTTOM AGAIN TOO >MASSIVE forward guidance >Robo Taxi?!??!?! Waymo is already on the fucking streets here on the West coast literally charging money to give rides and undercutting Uber/Lyft. TSLA fucking out here saying theirs "might" be ready next year!??!!? Alphabet own OVER 90% of Waymo btw. GOOG down over -2%. But you don't see ALPHAbet investors making threads on WSB and bitching like OP.
They are the NFLX of music streaming.
No competition. They are on a league of their own. Even NFLX has half ass competitions. Spotify stands alone, on the podium. #1, #2, #3
Nflx made up 10% of all tv in June, are releasing 80 games, 1 per month for years, 35% subscriber growth, did away with the lowest tier subscription plan, transitioning from high growth low profit to low growth high profit (that means a dividend is coming) anddddd still hasn’t split their stock. Come on guys!
NFLX come on bruh ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)
Nflx 700 eow
Nflx 700 eow
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