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Not sure, but I feel the damp. Had a small walk out the other day as a union member of 555. We're meat/seafood leaders/managers of a parent store to Kroger Co. We're all hella over worked, under paid, under staffed but no hr to give and take a shit ton of verbal bs for district/store leaders. No places to live, been priced out of bend, or/sunriver forever now. Just recently stopped paying all my credit card debit that I had to take on during covid bs. Thank God I had it and a job while the gf was getting fucked by workman's comp on a torn acl/mcl and something else. Why did I say fuck it. Cause why not, our govt will just print more useless paper anyways to achieve more debt to the tax payers. Don't know about you, but I got anally raped this year by the feds. And if the debt the nation has, is equally to about 260k per us citizen, Jesus fucking christ, how can anyone live? You must be young and not seen the 98 2008 shit
Why is Gary Black so sure the Musk comp package will pass? I know it got through in 2018 but after the tumble the stock took and the court case I think it might not. I also think Elon’s public image is very different from what it was in 2018, but maybe not for Tesla stockholders.
Even at today's valuation, Elon has 9x the value of Tesla. When the comp plan was passed, the value of the shares were under $6 billion, it only grew to $56 because Elon grew the company. Here is 1 thing Elon has that no one else has. He has clout when talking to world leaders because of his other businesses. The only reason Tesla was allowed to own the China factory was because of Elon, every other foreign car maker has to partner with a China company. Tesla would not exist today without Elon. Without Elon putting his own money into Tesla, it would have failed like every other automaker in the last 100 years. Other then some China EV makers who get massive government subsides, Tesla might be the only new vehicle company that survives But shareholders voted in 2018 by 73% in favor of Elon's comp plan. That is all that matters. Shareholders said "If you can grow the company from $59 billion marketcap to $650 billion (also revenue to $175b or EBITDA $14 billion), then you can have 12% of the company". It should not voided because of a corrupt judge.
Supply vs demand. If they give him 56 billion dollar comp, it’s going to crash like a mofo, talk about shareholder dilution
Major value buy, it’s way oversold and way undervalued you gotta do a comp analysis on man price target 400$ easy
Copy/paste the same comp package for Tim Cook and he would “only” get 30 Billion. Apple 3x’d in value which would give him 3% of company. Tesla did a 10x over a shorter timeframe. What about this model makes it not for CEOs?
Job2. Assuming you work 20 years and never got a raise - math for pension probably along the lines of 109,000 x 20 x .02 = 43,600 per year. Assuming you collect after retirement for 25 years, that’s 1,090,000. So that’s an extra 50k you are arguably making for each year of work. Given you can’t use it to invest, etc. BUT, you will get raises, and once your in govt it’s easier to get another govt job in tech. In NYC we can’t keep our govt tech guys, so now the good ones that stay are hard to find and quickly move up the chain to closer to 175k. Plus the benefits, reliability, and fact that govt almost never lays people off. Probably also have a 457 deferred comp offer which you can let the govt retained firm (in nyc blackrock) manage or you can self manage it.
Look into the terms of the comp and compare what other CEOs would have made. It wasn’t unfair at all. All other automotive CEO would have made 0 dollars from it. The first tranch required Tesla to double in market cap from its 50b valuation for 1% of the company. On top of that there were production and revenue targets. Plus Elon cannot sell the stock for 5 years after comp has been given. The deal to shareholders was essentially if Elon 10x the company he’d get a 10% commission. If the company does less than double, he’d get nothing.
Look into the terms of the comp and compare what other CEOs would have made. It wasn’t unfair at all. All other automotive CEO would have made 0 dollars from it. The first tranch required Tesla to double in market cap from its 50b valuation for 1% of the company. On top of that there were production and revenue targets. Plus Elon cannot sell the stock for 5 years after comp has been given. The deal to shareholders was essentially if Elon 10x the company he’d get a 10% commission. If the company does less than double, he’d get nothing.
> He didn't ask for it, they offered an insane comp plan for achieving insane goals. Tesla offered it in large part because Elon strong armed it into "offering" it, effectively asking for it himself. He had control over the company and his proposals on how he should be compensated (i.e., a request for compensation) were made into an "offer," but under the circumstances there was effectively no difference. Also the court verdict pretty clearly doesn't support your statement.
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