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Amc Entertainment Holdings Inc

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I literally did it this morning on amc calls, sold at a loss 10 minutes before the skyrocket, thank god I don’t pay bills yet
I dont know if you regarded individuals noticed (you wouldnt if you only trade 1 stock or 3 stocks or whatever) but anytime shit goes down there is other shit going up. Because money moves out of one sector (usually after making a nice profit after a run) and moves into another sector.... When S&P is down, shit stocks like AMC are up.. There is more to this but do your own research. There are opportunities always, even if you only go long
had 257 shares of AMC at 9$ sold at 21$ thinking I was the biggest winner ever. Shits turns and goes to 70$. I feel ya brother.
I was gonna say something mean but looked at your post history and you have about 600 posts on AMC board going back years, so you have been punished enough, sorry amc is so terrible
Look u get a spilt then the dilution start maybe they issue more share or do some stupit shit like AMC. Either way sub 200 is realisticly possible all they need is 1 spilt and some panic. Alot of the Nvdia fan boy wanted a split when it was rocketing up, they said it will boost up it's value but if u think about it if Nvdia spilt during the bear market all u get is more panic.
He’s just covering up for the big brain move that he sunk his life savings in AMC and DJT
My next regarded but cheap play will be $2k of 2025 AMC calls. Thoughts?
like gold AMC is a risk off asset ![img](emote|t5_2th52|33495)
Hahaha all this red and that piece of shit AMC is up 8%
I love how AMC is up ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
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